Change your Thinking, Change the World

Change your Thinking, Change the World

We all want to live in a world with a sustainable climate. Being well informed about the inputs and complexity of the climate crisis is one of the best actions you can take. This allows you to regain your agency and make meaningful impacts to your community.


Participants of the Common Earth courses are members of a global community making change around the world, and everyone is welcome to join one of our initiatives. Being part of the Common Earth Community means taking action. Let’s make sure we are taking the right action.

Change your Thinking, Change the World

Find the Action Best Suited to You

Take Action
In Person – Small caring groups around the world
Start or Join a Kith


  • Be part of a supportive group navigating the climate crisis and finding solutions that are relevant to your community.
  • Learn and grow together.
  • Explore how community can amplify your ability to take action and empower you.

Stop climate change starting with your next meal
Take the Shortcut

  • Have a significant quantifiable impact on slowing the warming of the planet.
  • Don’t wait for permission or action from governments or corporations.
  • Show future generations that you are concerned enough to make changes to your own lifestyle.
  • Experience your own agency in taking a stand on climate change while adding your voice to a community committed to doing the same


Reach Out

We love talking about what we do and how it can make a difference to you.