Articles and Resources

Sustaining Shared Futures: Insights from ESAC and Common Earth
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Patterson 20 June 2024
3 min read

Sustaining Shared Futures: Insights from ESAC and Common Earth

ESAC, Canada's top environmental scholarly community, collaborates widely. At Congress, we discussed new sustainability narratives.

Biomimicry Informed Learning Strategies in the Common Earth Courses
Debbie Weinstein
Debbie Weinstein 17 June 2024
5 min read

Biomimicry Informed Learning Strategies in the Common Earth Courses

The Biomimicry strand of the Common Earth course is a highlight for many participants.

Earth Day Musings 2024
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Patterson 26 April 2024
3 min read

Earth Day Musings 2024

I love Earth Day. This may seem like a silly thing to say given that every day is Earth Day

A Fresh Look at the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Patterson 28 March 2024
2 min read

A Fresh Look at the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Exploring UN SDGs, we find conflicts & assumptions unchallenged, yet tools like the SDG Wedding Cake & Report offer new insights.

Celebrating Our Commonality this Holiday Season and Beyond
Bruno Seixas
Bruno Seixas 19 December 2023
2 min read

Celebrating Our Commonality this Holiday Season and Beyond

I recently started noticing that we seem to show genuine interest when we recognize the commonalities we have with other humans and…

Experiencing Joy and Finding Meaning in the Climate Emergency
Olivia Gonzalez
Olivia Gonzalez 24 November 2023
3 min read

Experiencing Joy and Finding Meaning in the Climate Emergency

A reflective journey on hope, purpose, and our shared human experience amidst dissonance and climate challenges.

How I have contributed to making the Amazon River go dry.
Bruno Seixas
Bruno Seixas 27 October 2023
6 min read

How I have contributed to making the Amazon River go dry.

In 1856, American Scientist Eunice Foote discovered the effects of global warming. In 1896, Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist,…

The Agency Problem and Constraints
David Patterson
David Patterson 27 October 2023
4 min read

The Agency Problem and Constraints

My wife, Anne, and I were having our fruit and oatmeal breakfast this morning after I had done my meditation and treadmill time. I guess…

The Gift of Insight and Community: Feeling hopeful in a time of crisis
Malene Falch Colotla
Malene Falch Colotla 17 August 2023
8 min read

The Gift of Insight and Community: Feeling hopeful in a time of crisis

In the recent blog post “The Gifts we are Given and Whole Systems Change” David Patterson, Common Earth founder, wrote of two gifts: The…

Things Are Moving Fast
Mark Dolan
Mark Dolan 16 August 2023
4 min read

Things Are Moving Fast

I am Mark Dolan and I have completed Common Earth Modules 1 and 2. The program has hooked me. What I do with the knowledge is where I am…

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