Articles and Resources

Our Emerging Future
David Patterson
David Patterson 20 February 2023
8 min read

Our Emerging Future

This text outlines how a group of like-minded colleagues created Common Earth and how they are taking up the challenge of finding a path.

A Love Story
Lyster Matamanda
Lyster Matamanda 15 February 2023
12 min read

A Love Story

You can reach community member and author Lyster Matamanda on LinkedIn Her view from the penthouse was breathtaking. She had a way with…

Finding My Joy and Hope in Being a Climate Activist
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Patterson 20 January 2023
3 min read

Finding My Joy and Hope in Being a Climate Activist

We have just transitioned into 2023 and because each passing year brings us closer to catastrophic tipping points, it could be easy for…

New, Inspiring Daisies
Melak Mengistab
Melak Mengistab 20 January 2023
2 min read

New, Inspiring Daisies

We have added many new daisies to our Daisy World collection this year thanks to stories brought to our attention by many of you. Dennis…

Giving More
Common Earth
Common Earth 17 December 2022
1 min read

Giving More

Tis the season of giving. As we search for ways of balancing how we demonstrate the love we feel for people around us and our desire for…

COP15: The UN Biodiversity Conference
Common Earth
Common Earth 17 December 2022

COP15: The UN Biodiversity Conference

Between December 7th and December 19th, world leaders, politicians, scientists, activists, and more have been meeting in Montreal, Canada…

Celebrating Duality This Holiday Season
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Patterson 16 December 2022
3 min read

Celebrating Duality This Holiday Season

One of the things I’ve been reflecting on recently is how ubiquitous the story of a good guy or hero pitted against the bad guy or…

About not focusing on the holes we fall into
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Patterson 18 November 2022
2 min read

About not focusing on the holes we fall into

Originally published in the Common Interests Newsletter – November 2022 I never know what I will be writing about in our newsletter, but…

The Inner Development Goals
Rafaela Rolim
Rafaela Rolim 13 October 2022
3 min read

The Inner Development Goals

Rafaela Rolim, Pod 2 – Back in September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted…

Resilience and Agency in Mental Health
Sarah Patterson
Sarah Patterson 13 October 2022
4 min read

Resilience and Agency in Mental Health

Earlier this week marked International Mental Health Day and that got me reflecting on the idea of mental health more generally. Before I…

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